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Setting Goals with Students

Melanie Meehan shares anchor charts and strategies for goal-setting.

Practical Ways to Connect Students and Goals

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Asking Students to Grade Themselves

Asking students to assess and grade their own work cements learning and deepens understanding for many students, but only if it is done in a thoughtful, collaborative way. Melanie Meehan takes you step-by-step through the process in a fifth-grade classroom.

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Anchor Lesson: Setting Goals

Leslie Lloyd begins an anchor lesson by setting a goal with her third graders. This is the first video in a four-part series.

From Compliments to Challenges: The Conferring Card

Melanie Meehan uses a conferring card in her writing conference with Cara to ensure she has a record of the strengths and revision possibilities they discussed.

Celebrating Growth and Setting Goals: Conferring with Anna

Katie DiCesare confers with first grader Anna, celebrating her growth as a reader in the first few months of school and helping her with a new strategy goal based on listening to her read.
