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Books to Celebrate Earth Day

Earth Day in April is a great time to get outdoors with a good book! Franki Sibberson shares some of her favorite texts linked to Earth Day.

Engaged by the World: Maps, Globes, Reading, and Writing with Young Children

Kelly Petrin and Ruth Shagoury connect globes and children's literature with a map theme to inspire young children to write more and include visual representations in their drafts.  While the examples are from a Head Start classroom, the booklist and activities are appropriate for any K-2 students.

Global Read Aloud with Pernille Ripp (PODCAST)

Franki Sibberson chats with Pernille Ripp about the Global Read Aloud initiative.

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Every Language Counts: Adding Multilingual Counting Activities to Morning Meeting

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Book Matchmaker: Global Citizenship and Social Responsibility

Here are some newer books for teaching students about social responsibility and what it means to be a citizen of the world.
