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New Fiction for Boys (BOOKLIST)

It takes a kid at heart to share what young boy readers would take to heart, and Tony Keefer is just the guy for the job.  Tony loves whonunits, blood ‘n’ guts, and cliffhangers, and he shares that passion with his tween students in this fiction booklist for boys.

Slice of Life: Challenging Student Writers

Katherine Sokolowski brings the popular web “slice of life” challenge to her fifth-grade classroom.

Football Field Writing

Katherine Sokolowski adapts an idea from Jim Burke to get her fifth graders outdoors and envisioning their growth over the summer.

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Listen In: Magnifying a Moment in Writing

Sometimes using a prop can help young students understand a revision strategy.  Heather Rader helps second-grader Sammi understand how to “magnify” a moment when revising her writing.

Graphic Organizer for Mystery Writing

Beth Lawson talks with her 4th graders about the elements of a good mystery, and shares a graphic organizer to help them develop realistic characters and themes.
